Navigation Lab
In this lab you will implement Facebook navigation Auth flow and connect the two screens that you have built so far. Below is a diagram showing the flow that you are going to implement. This lab is a total of 35 points.
1.1 Splash Screen: as a user I see the splash screen shown below when I open the application for the first time. This splash screen should be displayed for 2 seconds (5 points)
1.2 LogIn: As a user I can click on the "login with facebook" button to login using the following test user account
password: classclass. Name: wahoo wahoo (10 points)
1.3 Persistence: As a user once I login once the next time I open the app, it checks secure storage for my token and goes directly to the scroll view screen. (10 points)
1.3 Navigation Draw: As a user I see the navigation section labeled in red. Clicking the three lines opens at the top left opens a navigation draw (10 points)
You need to provide the username and password for your test user when you submit this.
I have added the splash screen image below. Download it by left clicking on the image and saving it.